Other Brands
Below, you will find the catalog of all other brands we sell on request, like Native Spirit and Kariban. Browse through the selection to find the products of your choice, including article numbers, colors, sizes, and quantities. Please share your selections with us via the contact form or one of our other contact options.
If you would like to add personalization, such as embroidery or printing, we kindly request that you email us the logo files and any relevant details directly. This will help us process your request efficiently.
How to order or quote
Explore our promotional textiles and workwear catalog, and note down the item number, name, along with the size and color if applicable.
If you'd like to add a logo embroidery or print to your clothing, please include all relevant details in your request.
To place an order or receive a quote, digital mock-up, or sample, simply send us the product details, personalization information (if applicable), and your (company) details. Use the contact options below.
Contact Us for Orders, Quotes, or Inquiries
Get in Touch
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, orders, or quote requests. When requesting an order or quote, please include the item number and product name. For personalisation, kindly send us your logo and any relevant details to ensure we meet your requirements.